Train Accidents

Train Accident


in Sacramento

Many trains crisscross California, and several are in operation in the Sacramento area. Trains range from light rails such as the SacRT which transports passengers around the city, to freight trains such as Union Pacific which carry livestock and other goods in and out of the state.

Any collision with a train can be deadly. Motorists or pedestrians struck by a train can suffer life-altering injuries due to the forces generated. In fact, thousands of people die each year in train collisions. Even if they are not killed, passengers and motorists could suffer serious injuries.

Please contact The Law Office of Brian P. Azemika today. Our law firm is committed to protecting victims’ rights, and we can negotiate a favorable settlement on your behalf.

We Can Handle All Types of Train Accidents

Whether you were hurt by a passenger or freight train, we can help. Our legal team has the necessary experience to represent someone injured in:

  • Train derailments
  • Collisions between trains and motorists
  • Crashes involving pedestrians
  • Fatal train accidents

Immediately following an accident, few victims know why the accident occurred. In our experience, train accidents often stem from:

  • Defective tracks
  • Lack of arms or other warnings at intersections
  • Defective trains
  • Negligent operators
  • Fatigued operators
  • Chemically impaired operators
  • Negligent train companies

To identify who is to blame for the wreck, please contact our law firm today. We can begin reviewing police reports and interview people involved in the collision. Sometimes the responsibility for the accident is not in dispute, but this is unfortunately rare. In many accidents—especially collisions involving motorists and trains—the train company will point the finger at our injured client and pin all blame on them.

Receive Fair Compensation for a Train Accident

Even the lightest train can weigh several tons—causing devastating injuries when they slam into a motorist or pedestrian. Our clients have struggled with:

  • Fractures
  • Chest injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputations
  • Nerve damage and chronic pain
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord damage

To recover, our clients often need surgery and must undergo exhausting rehabilitation. Others will need permanent medical help to assist with disability and overcome other impairments.

When we meet with clients, our main goal is to obtain compensation to cover the cost of this health care, which can exceed tens of thousands of dollars. Our clients can also receive money to cover damage to their vehicles and lost income when they can’t work.

Train accidents also cause serious, painful injuries. A fair amount of compensation for pain and suffering should be included in every settlement. We can analyze how much your injuries would warrant. Someone who loses a limb, for example, should be adequately compensated for the distress they will feel for the remainder of their life.

Train Accident Fatalities

Roughly 800 people die each year in train collisions across the United States. Their surviving family members often don’t know if they have any legal means to hold the train company responsible for the crash.

There’s good news: you do. If a loved one died in a train accident, we can seek compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit. This is a special type of personal injury claim that Brian P. Azemika is prepared to bring against the entity responsible for the death. The claim compensates the survivors and the loved one’s estate for certain losses. Contact our firm to learn more.

How Our Sacramento Train Accident Lawyer Can Help Your Case

Many train companies—including the Sacramento Transportation District—are often less than helpful when it comes to securing compensation. They might stall at turning over important documents, or they might only offer a small settlement and expect you to sign away your right to get more.

Accident victims who lack legal representation could struggle to gain access to key evidence. For example, defective parts sometimes cause accidents. But train companies zealously guard their trains and don’t let investigators near them.

We also represent train accident victims on contingency fee agreements, which allow you to obtain our services with no money upfront. We have found that this arrangement benefits our clients enormously, because they lack the funds to hire a seasoned lawyer. Under a contingency fee arrangement, you won’t pay unless we win your case.

Call Us!

The Law Office of Brian P. Azemika has helped many accident victims obtain the compensation needed to live with dignity following a serious accident. We understand train collisions and can negotiate with any train company or governmental agency. Contact us today to set up a day and time to meet.



Brian Azemika fought for me when others thought my case was a lost cause. Brian Azemika took over my case with only a few weeks to prepare prior to trial. His knowledge and expertise showed in how he prepared me for my testimony at trial. He also had a great presence in the courtroom and really connected with the jury during the entire trial. He did such a great job in the eyes of the jury that many of them approached him after the trial and asked him for his business card. Thanks to Mr. Azemika, the jury returned a verdict for $400,000.00, which was amazing since the settlement offer from the insurance company was for only $45,000.00 on the first day of trial. I am so glad that Brian Azemika was my trial attorney.

Irene J.

Ione, CA

Proud Sponsor of the new Local Women’s Premier Soccer League team,

The Roseville Iron Rose.

“You focus on your health and recovery – I’ll do the rest!”

Brian Azemika, Esq.

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